Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of altered consciousness (awareness) in which a person is capable of internalizing thoughts and suggestions for the purpose of manifesting desired emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual change. Hypnosis automatically occurs anytime an individual becomes deeply relaxed and/or highly focused. Generally, a hypnotized person has greater awareness of sensations and surroundings. During the hypnosis session, the client generally hears and remembers most of what the hypnotist speaks. Therefore, the client can remain in control of his/her actions and feel safe throughout the session. Hypnosis assists a person to become more inclined to do things he/she wants to do, but virtually never makes a person behave against their own will.
The American Medical Assoc., American Psychological Assoc., American Dental Assoc., National Institute of Health, Harvard University Medical School, and Stanford University Medical School have studied and recognized hypnosis and its positive health benefits when used in a complimentary manner to traditional medicine. For example, it is used in hospitals and dental offices across the nation for pain management, stress reduction, and to reduce other complications during surgeries and child birthing.
Emotion = Thought + Meaning (Expressed as Feeling)
We are all made up of multiple aspects of ourselves and use various mechanisms possible to survive in our everyday world. Some of our coping strategies may not make sense at first, such as denial, rebellion, numbing, aggressiveness, passive-aggressiveness, projection, blame, irresponsibility, misplaced anger — anything to endure the pain or conflict (disharmony) within the mind and body. Research has shown that our rational self is striving for self-preservation and balance amidst conflict between our inner desires and our actual world around us and rely upon that part of us for survival. Sometimes, we need fear to protect ourselves, and anger to mobilize ourselves and ward off violations. These emotions are often used against ourselves and dissociates us from our emotions which are linked to our belief systems and may create physical discomfort, illness, fatigue, inability to sleep, worry, sadness, weight gain, addictions, unwanted patterns of behavior and much more. In other words, your thoughts are on a conscious level and your feelings come from the subconscious mind. This is where hypnosis, a natural alternative wellness technique, assists many people to reconnect with themselves and to create an awareness of the power of your own abilities to bring resolution and balance, for wellness truly comes from within.
Ready to harness the power of your mind?
The importance of the mind-body connection in relation to health and wellness is no longer a matter of conjecture— it is established science and quickly becoming part of the mainstream in modern wellness programs. I am proud to be associated with an ever-expanding network of alternative wellness professionals in Chicago and nationwide. Together, we work with our clients to promote natural health and wellness from a comprehensive and holistic perspective. The use of natural tools like hypnosis, timeline therapy, guided imagery, and EFT serve as catalysts for natural healing and wellness is as old as humanity, and with good reason. They are safe, painless, and often very effective as natural adjunctive wellness programs for a wide variety of issues. A partial list follows.*
- Addictions
- Allergies
- Anesthesia
- Anger
- Anxiety (including anxiety in the morning and anxiety at night)
- Asthma
- Acid Reflux Symptoms
- Autoimmune Issues
- Bedwetting
- Chemotherapy
- Childbirth/Labor
- Chronic Fatigue
- Clenching Jaw
- Cramps
- Depression/Sadness
- Emotional Issues
- Fear of Dentists
- Fear of Doctors
- Fear of Needles
- Fibromyalgia
- Grinding Teeth
- Heartbreaks
- Headaches/Migraines
- Hot Flashes
- Hypertension
- Hypotension
- Hypochondria
- Impotence
- Infertility
- Lack of Confidence
- Memory Enhancement
- Nail Biting
- Orgasmic Dysfunction
- Panic Attacks
- Pain Management
- Psoriasis
- Public Speaking
- Various Fears and Phobias
- Radiation Therapy
- Recovering Memories
- Rejection
- Resentment
- Skin Picking
- Smoking Cessation
- Sports Improvement
- Stress
- Stuttering
- Substance Abuse
- Surgical Prep
- Surgical Recovery
- Test Anxiety
- Thumbsucking
- Trichotillomania
- Weight Loss
- Worry
- Writer’s Block
Call or Email Sunshine Hypnosis now to learn more about how we can help you achieve your natural wellness.
(847) 620-9529
Learn more about:
Inner Child Connection
Past-life Regression