Inner Child Connection

Inner Child Connection is a unique and highly effective form which allows a person to have a first hand experience with the inner child. This type of Inner Child work is very different than talk therapy and utilizes hypnosis, guided imagery and a dialogue process using the non dominant and dominant hand. This work safely allows you to access and heal hidden areas, memories and release blocked energies. Profound changes often occur within the first few sessions. I provide gentle guidance and protection for those who are ready to listen to their Inner Child.
When areas within have gone unhealed and unheard they may show up in your outer life as problematic communications, anger issues, dysfunctional relationships, addictions or codependency. They may leave us feeling sad, lonely, abandoned or distrustful. Most of these issues were established out of earlier experiences which were learned in early childhood. These patterns and beliefs can be healed allowing you to change your perspective and move into a place of emotional and spiritual freedom. You may not even be aware that these defensive and self defeating patterns exist or that they are causing problems in your life. Often these patterns were formed in order to protect the child you once were but now are keeping you from the life you deserve and long for.

As you learn to listen to your own inner self you begin to feel heard and are able to get some distance from old messages, emotional loops and tapes. The old wounds that you have carried can finally begin to heal. As you move along with the process you will begin to receive new messages based on truth and eventually will begin to relax and trust in your own inner guidance. When you choose to align yourself with the truth you begin to honor who you truly are. The more you learn to trust yourself the less likely it is that you will give your power away to others. As you learn to access your own inner resources you will begin to see more clearly and feel more empowered. You will begin to find a deeper level of understanding of yourself thus affecting your own physical and emotional health and your relationships.

Here is a question for you to ponder. Would you avoid a child if you saw one standing all alone, who was scared, hurt or sad? This inner child or inner self deserves to be heard. Are you ready to sit still long enough to listen?

Are you ready to free your inner child?

Call or Email Sunshine Hypnosis now to learn more about how we can assist you to be the best you can be.

(847) 620-9529

Learn more about:
Past-life Regression

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